Job Description
At Ostadkar, we are striving to build a trusting and trustworthy society, by providing exceptionally respectful, high-uality, and memorable experiences at all touch points for everyone within our community of customers and service providers. Ostadkar is the largest and fastest-growing online platform for ordering home and business services. Our platform serves as a connection between consumers and service professionals for a whole host of services.
We hire for culture and believe that skills can be learned. Therefore, the essential requirement is to be a culture fit for our fast-paced start-up.
Added Values:
Interview Processes:
Our process for evaluating candidates is constituted of multiple steps as follows:
Step 1:
The CTO reviews all applications, and potential ones are selected for a phone interview. He/she will look for the best match for the hiring position. Therefore, please read the job description thoroughly to increase your chances.
Step 2:
A short phone interview will be conducted with the potential candidate by a senior member of our technical team. We will go over your resume and ask questions about the technology stack you have experienced. It will be between 10 to 15 minutes.
Step 3:
A mini project is designed for the candidate to do in less than a week. A senior member of our technical team will be in charge of helping you with this project.
Step 4:
We will invite you to have a chat. In this meeting, we will review your code and discuss your approach.
At each step, if we cannot proceed with your application, you'll be notified by email or the medium you applied. However, if you did not get any notification, you are on our waitlist. In stage 2, it may take up to a maximum of 15 working days to call you. However, on average, it takes seven working days for most of our applicants.
Employment Type
نمایشگاه کار
Employment type