هماهنگ‌کنندۀ لجستیک

(مدیسینز سنز فورینترز (ام اس اف تهران

منتشر شده 2 سال پیش

Job Description

The main purpose of the job: Defining and implementing all supply and technical logistics strategies and support to the mission, ensuring the pertinence and coherence of logistics and supply programs, adequacy of the means provided, and compliance to MSF standards, protocols, and procedures in order to enable the development of the mission in perfect working conditions and optimize the impact of the medical projects. Responsibilities and tasks: ● Participating actively in the definition and update of annual project planning and budgets and the emergency preparation plan. ● Responsible for monitoring the implementation of logistics/technical activities in the mission ensuring compliance with MSF standards, protocols, and procedures, reporting to the HoM on the development of the ongoing programs, and proposing reorientation strategies when needed. ● Responsible for the proper application of HR policies and associated processes in order to ensure both the sizing and the amount of knowledge required for the activities he/she is accountable for. ● Responsible for ensuring technical reference and support for all logistics/technical issues in the mission, providing coaching to logistics staff, and representing MSF in meetings with authorities and other NGOs for logistics-related issues. ● Responsible for ensuring installation and maintenance of functional office space(s) and lodging facilities with inadequate living conditions as well as all the equipment required. ● Responsible for ensuring the proper use and maintenance of IT (computers, software, backups, etc.) and communication tools as well as the communication means in the mission. ● Responsible for defining and monitoring the technical aspects of the risk reduction policy, transport, communication, protection, identification, and preparation of the technical aspects of the mission security policy and guidelines.


Specific requirements for the role: ● Essential degree and specialization in logistics. ● Essential, working experience of at least two years in relevant jobs and previous humanitarian experience in MSF or other NGOs in developing countries. Desirable previous experience in emergencies. ● English and Farsi knowledge. ● Essential computer literacy (Word, Excel, ERP, and the Internet). Personal attributes required: ● Strategic vision; ● Leadership; ● People management and development; ● Service orientation; ● Teamwork and cooperation; If you are interested and meet the criteria, you should submit your application no later than 10/03/23.

Employment Type

  • Full Time


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