سرپرست تولید

گروه سولیکو اسلامشهر

منتشر شده 4 ماه پیش

Job Description

  • Control waste in production lines and efforts to adjust it.
  • Monitor, control, and visit production lines and check the condition of machines and equipment.
  • Plan and monitor the cleaning and washing of machines and equipment.
  • Manage and supervise the preparation of all relevant production departments and areas.
  • Monitor all matters related to the field of production in the relevant lines.
  • Follow up on compliance with all regulations and instructions of the company in the specified cases.
  • Follow up and monitor compliance with safety, protection, and health principles for yourself and others in the workplace.

برای مشاهده‌ی شغل‌هایی که ارتباط بیشتری با حرفه‌ی شما دارد،