سرپرست تولید

گروه شرکت های سن ایچ ساوجبلاغ

منتشر شده 4 ماه پیش

Job Description

  • Responsible for executing all the production processes' procedures in production lines.
  • Coordinate and execute all daily targets and activities as they relate to lines.
  • Responsible for all safety, quality, and productivity of the production lines and employee group.
  • Coordinate with the other departments and ensure that the production does not get held up or malfunction due to any reason.
  • Ensure employee safety training is conducted as required by company policy.
  • Take all necessary actions to manage production costs and improve profitability.
  • Job location: Hashtgerd (Shiva manufacturing company (SHIBA)).

برای مشاهده‌ی شغل‌هایی که ارتباط بیشتری با حرفه‌ی شما دارد،