مهندس لرزه‌نگاری

زد ان واستوک تهران

منتشر شده 10 ماه پیش

Job Description

  • Database preparation, and interpretation project creation in Petrel software.
  • Structural seismic interpretation (synthetic seismogram generation and well to seismic tie, horizon interpretation, fault interpretation, velocity modeling, depth structural interpretation, uncertainty analysis).
  • Quantitative seismic interpretation (Rock Physics Modeling and Feasibility Study, AVO Analysis, AVAz Analysis, AVO/AVA Modelling, Offset Response Models, and Facies Classification).
  • Seismic pre-stack and post-stack inversion, seismic stochastic inversion and porosity derivation, simultaneous inversion, and extended elastic impedance inversion.
  • Reservoir properties prediction (net thickness, porosity, etc.).
  • Well proposal based on results, justification, and evaluation before and after drilling (together with a geologist, RE).
  • Support of seismic data processing, seismic survey design, acquisition, interpretation of 2D, 3D.
  • Definition of potential oil-in-place prospects for appraisal and development campaign.
  • Prospect evaluation and ranking by both geological and geophysical evaluation
  • 3D geomechanical modeling with experience in geomodelling in petrel (will be a benefit).
  • Interaction with the client, partners, and contractors in terms of geophysics activities, and position defense.
  • Preparation of reports on the results of work, and presentation materials.


  • Master's degree in Geophysics, Geology, Physics, or related fields.
  • At least 5 years of experience in geophysics.
  • Experience in seismic pre-stack and post post-stack inversion (deterministic and stochastic methods).
  • Experience in carbonate fractured and clastic reservoirs, and complicated salted structures.
  • Experience in the construction of complicated salted tectonic models.
  • Experience in supervising processing.
  • Understanding of principles of sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, and regional geology.
  • Able to integrate different subsurface data required for analysis such as wells, surface, and operation data.
  • Able to communicate and defend a position internally and externally.
  • Experience in working in a multidisciplinary field development team.
  • Knowledge of Petrel, Jason, or Hampson Russel (or other software for seismic inversion).
  • Not less than upper-intermediate English.

برای مشاهده‌ی شغل‌هایی که ارتباط بیشتری با حرفه‌ی شما دارد،