کارشناس کنترل تقلب

سفرهای علی بابا تهران

منتشر شده 10 ماه پیش

Job Description

  • Obtain evidence, take statements, produce reports, and testify to findings regarding the resolution of fraud allegations. May coordinate fraud detection and prevention activities.
  • Analyze financial databases to detect irregularities in billing trends, financial relationships, and regulatory compliance procedures.
  • Evaluate business operations to identify risk areas for fraud.
  • Review reports of suspected fraud to determine the need for further investigation.
  • Conduct in-depth investigations of suspicious financial activity, such as suspected money-laundering efforts.
  • Conduct field surveillance to gather case-related information.
  • Gather financial documents related to investigations.
  • Prepare evidence & Document all investigative activities.
  • Prepare written reports of investigation findings.
  • Design, implement, or maintain fraud detection tools or procedures.
  • Recommend actions in fraud cases.
  • Negotiate with responsible parties to arrange for recovery of losses due to fraud.
  • Investigate compliance gaps for the detection of possible fraud incidents for management attention.
  • Research or evaluate new technologies for use in fraud detection systems.


  • Fluent in object or component-oriented development software - Python.
  • Fluent in business intelligence and data analysis software.
  • Fluent in cloud-based data access and sharing software - Microsoft SharePoint.
  • Fluent in database user interface and query software - Microsoft Access; SQL.
  • Fluent in ERP software.
  • Fluent in process mapping and design software - Microsoft Visio.
  • Fluent in presentation software - Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • Fluent in spreadsheet software - Microsoft Excel.
  • Fluent in accounting software.

Employment Type

  • Full Time


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