About Company:
We are a company based in IRAN. We are pleased to inform you that we supply all products of more than 1000 research and chemical producers in the world. We are ready to support whatever you need for your research from every company you would like in the world. Our delivery time will be in 2 weeks. Please call to know more details about us. Some of the companies that you can order their products to us are as follows:
Sigma, Aldrich, Fluka, Riedel, Supelco, Invitrogen, Gibco, CellSignaling, Qiagen, Calbiochem, Abcam, Stem Cell, Biotage, Novus, Promega, Fisher, Chemicon, Millipore, Zymed, Santa Cruz, Alfa Aesar, VWR, Super Array, Agar, Peprotech, Taab & Other...