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استخدام در مخزن فولاد رافع

Makhzan Foolad Rafe (Daboo Sanaat)

About Makhzan Foolad Rafe (Daboo Sanaat)


Establishment Year:



Company Size:

100-499 employees




مازندران- محمودآباد- شهرک صنعتی شهدا- خیابان لاله

Location of Makhzan Foolad Rafe (Daboo Sanaat) is not marked on the map.

About Company:

Makhzan Foolad Rafe’ company under the trade name of Daboo Sanat has started its activity since 1996.the different kinds of steam boiler, warm water boiler, hot water boiler and hot oil boilers, heat exchangers, different kinds of filters for liquids, pressurized vessels and water treatment equipment are some of the products of this complex. Having 200 creative man-power, Daboo Sanat is now the first manufacturer of boilers and ex changers which have been attained to design and produce the scientific based products.
