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Zardband accelerator company

About Zardband accelerator company


Establishment Year:



Company Size:

1-9 employees




No.153, Azadi St., office Bldg. 241, 9th floor, unit 1

About Company:

Regarding the increasing demand for raw material in various industries inside the country, Zardband accelerator company was founded in February 2019, relying on 28 years of experience, TEZ Labs group had in agriculture, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. It was aimed to be an specialized accelerator company to invest and support innovative ideas and startups in food and beverage, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, focusing on developing new products such as human and veterinary medicine and supplements, based on natural ingredients. Zardband Accelerator Company is a member of Tabiat Zendeh Group, known as Tez Labs, including many brands and companies such as Cinere Cosmetics, Zardband Pharmaceuticals, Zardband Accelerator Company, Tez distribution chain, Dermaclean and Lara stores.
