Designer of power electronic circuits

Crouse Tehran

Posted 5 months ago

Job Description

Qualifications and conditions:

Master's degree: Electrical Engineering
Knowledge and interest in power electronics, especially motor control and drive
Familiarity with general analog and digital circuits along with power electronic circuits
Relative mastery of designing, analyzing and testing electronic circuits and power electronics
Relative mastery of the specifications and principles of electronic and power electronic parts (such as transistors, converters, protective parts, etc.)
Familiarity with circuit simulation software such as: PSIM, LTSPICE, Pspice
Introduction to PCB design by Altium Designer software
Familiarity with programming languages such as Python, MATLAB, C and . . .
Having a spirit of technical insight and attention to detail
Teamwork ability and effective communication in the group

Description of duties:

Playing the role of a hardware designer in the development of automotive parts such as electric steering, ECU, etc. . .
Extraction and analysis of circuit technical requirements (Technical Requirements)
Optimum selection of circuit components based on lifetime, price and availability
Circuit design based on calculation and simulation
Writing design reports and circuit calculations
Preparing the necessary requirements for the PCB designer to achieve the best design in terms of EMC and temperature considerations
Testing and validation of hardware according to the set requirements, in accordance with automotive standards

Working days and hours
Saturday to Tuesday 7:00-16:00- Wednesday 07:00-15:00 (2 hours of floating)

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