We are looking for a highly senior front-end developer with expertise in React and Next.js to join our team. This role involves building and maintaining beautiful, responsive user interfaces and implementing state-of-the-art web technologies to enhance the user experience. The ideal candidate should have experience working with Material-UI and be adept in state management using Redux and Redux Toolkit.
Key Responsibilities:
Develop high-quality, reusable code in React and Next.js to create scalable applications.
Leverage Next.js for server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG).
Utilize Material-UI (MUI) components to design attractive and responsive user interfaces.
Customize themes and styles using MUI to align with brand standards.
Implement Redux and Redux Toolkit for efficient state management.
Use RTK Query for API integration and request management.
Collaborate with other team members to ensure smooth and consistent application functionality.
Technical Skills:
Strong understanding of React concepts (components, state, props, lifecycle methods).
Proficiency in React Hooks such as useState, useEffect, and useContext.
Experience with Next.js, including SSR and SSG capabilities.
Familiarity with Next.js routing and API Routes.
Material-UI (MUI):
Experience with MUI components for UI design.
Ability to customize MUI themes and styles.
Redux and Redux Toolkit:
Proficiency in managing application state with Redux and Redux Toolkit.
Experience with RTK Query for API and request management.
General Competencies:
Time Management: Ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.
Organized: Detail-oriented with excellent organizational skills.
Proactive: Self-motivated, with a drive for results.
Team Player: Collaborative spirit with a willingness to learn and share knowledge.
Professionalism: Upholds high ethical standards and a positive work attitude.