مسئول دفتر

زد ان واستوک تهران

منتشر شده 21 روز پیش

Job Description

  • Organize office support processes.
  • Organize internal communication processes.
  • Organize office supplies according to plans and current needs.
  • Organize and lead the process of planning annual office demands and needs.
  • Organize recording and reporting regarding administrative office materials.
  • Maintain the level of materials in the office warehouse.
  • Collect, monitor, and report regarding current works and services in the office facility.
  • Initiate and lead all necessary activities regarding office facility and support services.
  • Collect the database of the contacts related to office supply and office service providers.
  • Accept all related works, services, and materials in the office with all liability.
  • Related contracts initiating, holding, and leading.
  • Report to the line manager.
  • Organize and follow direct management tasks.
  • Implement the world's best practices.


  • Having an academic degree in English/Russian Translation/Literature is a must.

Employment Type

  • Full Time


برای مشاهده‌ی شغل‌هایی که ارتباط بیشتری با حرفه‌ی شما دارد،