Develop highly innovative milk products and improve existing products and production techniques.
Ensure that the products comply with nutritional, physical, chemical, and legal requirements and fulfill the needs of the end user.
Responsible for creating/changing any raw material, packing material, semi-product, and finished product specification, recipe, and BOM under the alignment of global strategy.
Recipe calculation in Excel/Bestmix for new product development and feasibility of new recipes in the production line.
Lead projects to ensure that new and reformulated products can be implemented on a production scale and that targeted product performance as well as operational efficiencies are achieved.
Present and report experiments, results, and related documentation on new products.
Keep permanently informed about the production of recipes in the Supply Point.
Manage organoleptic and sensorial tests for trials, complaint samples, and competitors.
Optimize recipes in quality, production techniques and costs.
Responsible for preparation and approval of all the artworks in link with marketing.
Define the corrective actions, give suggestions, and rework advice in case of a write-off.
Evaluate the competitors in the market and monitor their products in combination with marketing.
Perform activities and conduct external contacts for the enhancement of knowledge and skills in the area of IMF and New relevant categories of product/process/pack.
Network internally and externally with relevant communities (Organizations, Global PD, Packaging, Artemis, Bestmix).
Deliver recipe and documentation for the registration of new products in MOH.
Design and manage trial production for new products.
Drive sampling/ sending samples to external/internal labs with the ability to understand and interpret results.
Innovate new ideas to maximize local production by designing local ingredients in recipes.
Continuous improvement in current product portfolio in terms of nutritional, taste, and physical properties.
Project management skills.
MSP knowledge.
Biology and biochemistry knowledge.
Nutrition and health.
Raw materials knowledge.
Formulation and interaction of raw materials/processes.