Senior HR Development Specialist

Dana Energy Tehran

Posted 2 months ago

Job Description

  • Preparing and updating the organization's job descriptions and continuously optimizing the organizational structure.
  • Analyzing development needs (through competency gap analysis, 360-degree evaluation and performance management) and developing an individual development plan.
  • Designing, planning, implementing, and evaluating the effectiveness of training courses to meet business needs.
  • Updating information related to human resource development processes in ERP software and preparing and updating human resource indicators and relevant dashboards.
  • Correctly implementing the performance management process, including the goal-setting and monitoring process.
  • Analyzing the outputs of the performance management process to connect individual performance to other human resource processes.
  • Participating in the development and implementation of human resource strategies, policies, and guidelines.
  • Updating human resource processes, regulations, and guidelines and implementing processes in the relevant software.
  • Developing and designing processes related to career development and succession planning.
  • Annual assessment of the maturity level of human resources processes based on maturity models.


  • Proficient in training and development, performance management, career and succession planning, and human resources maturity models.
  • Proficient in planning and organizing, change and conflict management, and customer orientation.

Employment Type

  • Full Time


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